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MATH 1004 - Calculus for Engineering or Physics

An Arabic speaker with Calculus course

​This video shows an international student, is an ESLA student and his first language is Arabic, talking about his experience with Calculus 1004 and giving tips to face the difficulties of language and the course.



The channels:

The quizzes:


Test you speed of solving a problem

This is a game that tests your ability of solving problems as soon as possible.

Symbols and Words of Mathematics​

This source gives a list of symbols with definitions in Math.

Another resource gives lists of words with their symbols and definitions in Math.


value. ​quality care. convenience.

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A great opportunity for Math related major students!

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Are you a Carleton University Student?
Do you have good notes from any of your math classes?
Do you want to help English language learners to understand their math courses content better?
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