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Carleton University's mathematics courses that we tutor


MATH 0005

MATH 0006

MATH 1002
MATH 1004
MATH 1005
MATH 1007
MATH 1009
MATH 1402

MATH 2000
MATH 2004
MATH 2007
MATH 2008
MATH 2100
MATH 2107
MATH 2108

MATH 3101
MATH 2404
MATH 3008
MATH 3158
MATH 3306
MATH 3705
MATH 3808
MATH 3825


MATH 4002
MATH 4206
MATH 4305
MATH 4806
MATH 4907


MATH 5206

MATH 5900

MATH 5109
MATH 5305
MATH 5406

Online Tutoring ï»¿ï»¿ 

​-Our tutoring sessions use a proprietary interactive sketch page in Yahoo Messenger’s IM box where you and your tutor can write, draw, and exchange information. Using your headphones you can talk to your tutor just like a face to face session.

-Our tutorial sessions need no software downloads, no special tools - Just book an appointment by sending us an email and mentioning your preferable time.

-It’s not just online tutoring, you can directly chat online with tutors and ask your problems and get proper explanation leading to solution. Free online chat allow you to directly present your problems and difficulties in-front of online tutors.

Online tutoring sample

Tutor Frohan Foroutan


MATH 2000, MATH 2004, MATH 2007, MATH 2008,

MATH 2100, MATH 2107, MATH 2108, MATH 3101,

MATH 2404, MATH 3008, MATH 3158, MATH 3306,

MATH 3705, MATH 380, MATH 3825


Tutor Hedda Gjerde



MATH 0005, MATH 0006, MATH 1002, MATH 1004,

MATH 1005, MATH 1007, MATH 1009, MATH 1402

Tutor Ming Cao


MATH 4002, MATH 4206, MATH 4305, MATH 4806,

MATH 4907, MATH 5206, MATH 5900, MATH 5109,

MATH 5305, MATH 5406

value. ​quality care. convenience.

Volunteer, add it to your Co-Curricular Record, and get recognized!
A great opportunity for Math related major students!

Be an online tutor

Are you a Carleton University Student?
Are you a good student that aced a mathematics class?
Do you want to help other students learn course content?
Do you have time to volunteer?

If yes, then please contact us!

Help your colleagues

Are you a Carleton University Student?
Do you have good notes from any of your math classes?
Do you want to help English language learners to understand their math courses content better?
Do you have time to volunteer?

If yes, then please contact us!

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